lunes, 8 de agosto de 2011

Partirc Tobair

Pairc d Tobair IS A PORYECTO care of creation by the Sisters of Mercy of the southern province of Ireland.
They have many plants growing fruit trees and vegetables, so it relaizan the development of ecological utrir Aboo plants in them are.
congratulations to the Hermans, on my first visit in 2008, was keeping its envernaderos gave good results. They currently have muhos apple fruits and vegetables.
Congratulations to the way you work with creation being the partner of God in his work.
May the God of life because they mantnega with caring for Mother Earth
gives us off for life.

 walking one day with rain in the draft
Pairc to Tobair, Rosscarbery.
kathy sr Cuninghm, Maria Hayes, Margaret Twomey...

It is very nice for our life.

bair, ES UN PORYECTO de cuidado de la creaciòn a cargo de las hermanas de la Misericordia de la provincia del sur de Irlanda.
Tienen muchas plantas creciendo plantas frutales y verduras, asi mismo relaizan la elaboraciòn de aboo ecologico para utrir las plantas que en ellas se encuentran.
felicitaciones a las hermans, en mi primera visita en 2008 , estaba conservando sus envernaderos que dio buenos resultados. Actualemente tienen muhos frutos de manzana y verduras.
Felicidades a ustedes la forma como colaboran con la creaciòn siendo las colaboradoras de Dios en su obra.
Que el Dios de la vida les mantnega con su gracias cuidando de la madre tierra que nos da sus frutos para la vida.
Park Tobair IS A PORYECTO care of creation by the Sisters of Mercy of the southern province of Ireland.
They have many plants growing fruit trees and vegetables, so it relaizan the development of ecological utrir Aboo plants in them are.

congratulations to the Hermans, on my first visit in 2008, was keeping its envernaderos gave good results. They currently have muhos apple fruits and vegetables.
Congratulations to the way you work with creation being the partner of God in his work.
May the God of life because they mantnega with caring for Mother Earth gives us off for life.

This is a good project to care for creation, here are many people to learn the care of creation in the manufacture of organic fertilizer and how to grow vegetables. Has a whole spirituality of creation.
thank God for this space to help the community to recognize the depth of our mother earth.

Este es un buen proyecto para cuidar la creaciòn , aqui vienen muchas personas para aprender el cuidado de la creacion  en la elaboracion de abono organico y como cultivas verduras. Tiene toda una espiritualidad de la creaciòn.
gracias a Dios por este espacio para ayudar a la comunidad a reconocer la profundidad que nuestra madre tierra.

God bless you.

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